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Can Pointers Swim?

  • 8 min read

Pointers, also known as English Pointers, are a breed of hunting dogs that were originally developed in the 17th century in England. They are known for their athleticism and endurance, as well as their strong… Read More »Can Pointers Swim?

Why Do Dogs Knead?

  • 7 min read

Dogs knead, also known as “making biscuits,” is a behavior that involves a dog using its paws to push in and out against a soft surface, often accompanied by a flexing of the claws. This… Read More »Why Do Dogs Knead?

Why Dogs Like Rawhide?

  • 6 min read

Dogs have been domesticated for thousands of years, and throughout that time, they have been bred to be loyal companions to humans. Part of this companionship includes providing our canine friends with toys and chews… Read More »Why Dogs Like Rawhide?

Is My Rescue Dog Depressed?

  • 6 min read

Dogs are social animals that crave affection, attention, and purpose. When they don’t receive enough of these things, they can become anxious, distressed, or depressed. While it’s normal for dogs to have off days or… Read More »Is My Rescue Dog Depressed?